What is the Euro Challenge?

Launched in 2006, Euro Challenge is an exciting educational opportunity for 9th and 10th grade high school students to learn about the European Union (EU) and the euro. Teams of three to five students are asked to make presentations answering specific questions about the European economy and the single currency, the euro. They are also asked to pick one member country of the “euro area” (the 19 EU member countries that have adopted the euro so far), to examine an economic problem at the country level, and to identify policies for responding to that problem.


What do our students think about the Euro Challenge?

"“My favorite aspect of the Euro Challenge is its focus on educating the next generation on what has become a seldom taught topic.  While its competitive spirit and presentations have much appeal, we appreciate the opportunity and resources provided by the Euro Challenge to more fully understand European economics and economics in general.  It is these concepts that we will carry with us through our professional careers.”

—Kevin Khadavi, Student at Great Neck North, NY


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Nulla quam risus, sodales ac libero sodales, commodo hendrerit dui. Fusce lacinia lobortis elit. Maecenas euismod nisl quis tellus blandit fermentum. Ut scelerisque est et lectus sollicitudin, ac tristique enim laoreet. In aliquam mi leo, non blandit tellus pellentesque vitae. Nunc et ipsum quis velit pellentesque congue. Quisque ac mi feugiat, posuere tellus non, pretium ex. Nullam ante ipsum, pharetra eget lacus sit amet, facilisis porta neque. Morbi suscipit pulvinar dolor sollicitudin congue. Phasellus consequat at lacus sed venenatis. Sed sollicitudin sem dapibus massa vestibulum, blandit hendrerit ante euismod. Duis bibendum fringilla quam eget sagittis. Etiam at libero risus. Duis at hendrerit nunc.

Duis risus felis, rutrum ac purus blandit, eleifend porttitor risus. Ut non dignissim tellus. Vestibulum ultrices vitae sem a accumsan. Phasellus scelerisque elit eu neque mollis venenatis. Phasellus vitae velit porta, eleifend dui a, aliquam quam. Integer tristique suscipit nunc, at varius ante suscipit nec. Aenean vel venenatis nunc. Phasellus in odio dolor. Sed id dolor porta, efficitur lectus vitae, sagittis nibh. Nunc pharetra vulputate nisi, ac consectetur nibh semper non.