High schools from all over the country may register to participate in the Euro Challenge. For 2021, many of our regional hosts will be allowing submissions to be made remotely via video conference in the preliminary round, but will also still be hosting on-site competitions for teams that wish to compete in person. We will provide an update of how each regional competition is being organized shortly. For the 2021 competition, the cities/regions with regional hosts included:

  1. New York Metropolitan Region (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) – hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

  2. Miami Region (Florida) – hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Miami Branch and Florida International University

  3. Midwest Region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Ohio, Wisconsin) – hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Indiana University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  4. Charlotte Region (North Carolina) – hosted by the World Affairs Council of Charlotte

  5. Pittsburgh Region (Pennsylvania) – hosted by the University of Pittsburgh

  6. Northwest Region (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) – hosted by the World Affairs Council of Seattle and the Center for West European Studies at the University of Washington

  7. Detroit/Ann Arbor Region (Michigan) – hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Detroit Branch

  8. Texas (Texas) – hosted by the University of Texas at Austin

  9. Washington, DC (DC, Maryland, Virginia) – hosted by the European Union Delegation to the United States

Register for the 2021 Euro Challenge Competition!

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